Parks and Athletic Fields

Featured Parks
Sunset Park Phase II
City of Renton
Located across from the Renton Highlands Library, the 3.2 acre Sunset Neighborhood Park features a wide north-south pedestrian walkway, restroom facilities, an entry plaza by the library with seating and an overhead pergola, play areas, and a large lawn for gathering and activities.
Phase 1 opened in June 2018 and Phase II, constructed by Terra Dynamics as the Prime Contractor, opened on January 28, 2021.
The development of the park is a catalyst for the redevelopment and rejuvenation of the entire Sunset Neighborhood, providing ample public open space for the community. It is a complex park, the heart and crown-jewel of the neighborhood, designed to serve people of all abilities and ages. It weaves together such features as two age-based playgrounds, meeting and gathering areas, an adult fitness area, shaded seating under custom-built steel and wood pergolas, performance/open-space lawn, and a lighted mist feature—alluring at night and refreshing on a hot, summer day.
Sunset Neighborhood Park boasts a unique variety of playground equipment, one of which is the only structure of its type in the Pacific Northwest. The Berliner Neptune XXL is a 30-foot high climbing structure and just one of four in the United States. Two Helix Climbing Towers connect to the Neptune, one 19-feet and the other 25-feet, making this combination the only one in the U.S. Sunset Park was Berliner's Sunset Park - Berliner's Project of the Month for February 2021.
As the Prime Contractor, Terra Dynamics oversaw many other contractors during this project. Our years of experience as a Prime Contractor, as well as park construction, allowed us to successfully facilitate and ensure a smooth construction process. We’re proud to have been involved with the creation of a beautiful park that will serve the residents of Renton.
Christie Park
Seattle Parks and Recreation
Fall 2019 - Summer 2020
University District, Seattle
Christie Park is a 2020 expansion and renovation of the existing NE 43rd St mini park, constructed in the 1960’s and re-named Christie Park in 1981. It was well overdue for an update that would speak to the community within the University District Urban Village. The Parks Dept purchased the adjacent lot next to the mini-park for this renovation, nearly doubling its size. Friends of Christie Park, a Taiwanese American community in Greater Seattle, funded the art pieces. Throughout the new park are themes of friendship, exploration, and the celebration of shared values between cultures. Terra Dynamics was pleased to be awarded this intricately designed Park as the Prime Contractor.
The newly renovated park features an open lawn, a multi-use plaza showcasing art pieces by local artist Paul Sorey, a loop trail, a fitness area, seating areas and gathering spaces. The majority of the park is ADA accessible.
Nestled in the plaza are three stainless steel art boat sculptures modeled after Taiwanese indigenous boats. Titled “Explorer Voyage’, they celebrate the explorer spirit and friendship between the people of Seattle and Taiwan. Cultural tiles line the plaza wall seating areas and the word “explore” is written in different languages around the entry circle.
One of the most challenging installation aspects of the park is the steel ribbon woven through a dark concrete sprinkled with aggregate. On a sunny day, the concrete mimics the light sparkling and dancing on the surface of the sea and the ribbons of steel are like the ripples left behind as the boats glide through the water. Installing this art piece required clear communication and collaboration between Terra Dynamics, the concrete subcontractor, and the artist. It went in beautifully and the effect is stunning.
Summit Park
The City of Maple Valley
Maple Valley, WA
Summit Park was a labor of love for the City of Maple Valley. Initially included in a 2010 master plan, the park went through several design revisions, land acquisitions, and funding options to finally bring it to fruition in 2018. Terra Dynamics was awarded the project in July of 2018 as the Prime Contractor. Among the scope of work was site clearing, salvaging and reusing cleared trees as part of remediation, and development of 15 acres of open space top incorporate 2 multipurpose fields, a softball field, sports court, dog park, playground with accessible play toys, rain gardens, skate park, a concession / picnic / restroom space, as well as associated utilities and site work. This location also included 260,000sf of state-of-the-art synthetic turf, allowing for public enjoyment and year-round use. Internationally known Grindline designed and constructed the competition class skate park. A unique challenge this park presented was the landscaping under the Bonneville Power transmission lines. The power lines created design and construction constraints and specific safety protocols for working under them.
The community was excited to start using this park from the day it opened and remains a popular destination, rain or shine.
Featured Athletic Fields
Central Kitsap HS and Middle School
Central Kitsap School District
Silverdale, WA
Central Kitsap High School and Middle School are located in Silverdale. A bond initiative in 2016 allowed for the construction of the new combined school campus including football, baseball, and softball athletic fields, tracks, tennis courts, landscape and irrigation. Over 32,000 plants were installed and Terra Dynamics laid 360,000 square feet of artificial turf.
The project occurred in phases allowing part of the old school to remain open while the new buildings were being constructed. Adding to the complexity was the sheer size and the logistics of importing enormous quantities of materials while under the constraints of a tight schedule with vital milestones. Construction during an active school year also required careful planning to mitigate student distractions from construction noise and implementing rigorous safety protocols.
Always keeping in mind this project was funded by tax-payers, their investment was well spent by providing not only an exceptional environment for education but also for sports and recreation. Central Kitsap was completed on time, within budget and with Terra Dynamics signature high level of quality. The stakeholders and partners were pleased with the result.
Meeker Middle School
Kent School District 415
Renton, WA
Construction of new natural turf football field, field events areas, cinder track, and combo baseball and softball field. Each field has a vertical drainage system, irrigated, and specialty base and rootzone sands.
2,000 linear feet of 8” collector. 11,000 linear feet of 4” perforated drain lines. 10,000 linear feet of irrigation piping. 9,500 cubic yards of soil export and 9,000 tons of specialty sand import. Total field area constructed totaled 185,000 square feet.
Difficult access which we had to systematically complete areas to completion as we worked our way out of the site.
The project had its challenges with access and time constraints. Our team effectively navigated these challenges and complete the project on schedule with a high level of quality. It was a pleasure to work with AHBL and the Kent School District. We are elated to construct fields that so many young people will enjoy for decades.
Central Park Issaquah Highlands
City of Issaquah
Issaquah, WA
Located within the Issaquah Highlands Development, Central Park includes three park fields, public amenities, and a children’s playground. Terra Dynamics scope of work encompassed the installation of 148,00sf of synthetic turf multi-purpose fields with lighting, under drainage and storm water management, concrete, planting, irrigation, and other public amenities including sculpture. This project bordered a protected wetland and Terra Dynamics conscientiously followed and complied with regulatory and environmental requirements.